Histoire de l'entreprise

Une entreprise familiale
Tout a commencé en 1953 dans le garage de nos grands-parents Maria et Franz Schumacher à Raeren, en Belgique, juste à la frontière allemande près d’Aix-la-Chapelle. Après la guerre, notre grand-père a voulu se construire une nouvelle existence. Il décida de fabriquer de la moutarde, car la production de moutarde n’était pas compliquée, ne coûtait pas cher et ne nécessitait pas beaucoup d’espace. Les affaires avec la moutarde marchaient bien et, au fil du temps, l’entreprise, appelée « Gloria » puis « Filou », s ’est agrandie, le garage et la petite annexe ont été complétés par deux autres extensions. À un moment donné, nos grands-parents ont commencé à produire d’autres produits, notamment de la mayonnaise et des plats cuisinés. Mais ensuite, notre grand-père Franz est tombé malade. Notre tante, l’une des sœurs de notre mère Elvira, a repris l’entreprise pour un certain temps. Mais il était clair qu’elle ne voulait pas la diriger pour toujours. Finalement, notre mère Elvira et notre père Philippe ont décidé de reprendre l’entreprise.
En 1983, nos parents ont repris l’entreprise dans son intégralité. Entre-temps, les plats cuisinés, produits en grande quantité dans notre Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge, avaient connu un grand succès sur le marché. Pendant près de quatre ans, nos parents n’ont produit que pour un seul gros client. À un moment donné, d’autres produits ont été ajoutés : des vinaigrettes, des pâtes à tartiner et des sauces. L ’entreprise a continué à se développer. Bientôt, quatre enfants allaient voir le jour, c’est-à-dire nous. Plus nous grandissions, plus nous aidions nos parents dans l’entreprise, jusqu’à ce que trois d’entre nous rejoignent progressivement l’entreprise.
Aujourd’hui, nous, Rachel, Raphaël et Laurent, sommes une équipe de trois personnes à la tête de l’entreprise familiale. En 2010, nous avons commencé à fabriquer des produits certifiés bio pour différents clients, dont principalement des pâtes à tartiner.
En tant que 3ème génération,
nous nous sommes donné pour mission de rendre notre entreprise
familiale, avec une expérience maintenant de presque plus de 70 ans,
plus durable. Nous avons construit notre stratégie d’entreprise sur un
modèle de durabilité. Cette idée se retrouve dans plusieurs domaines :
le domaine écologique, le domaine économique et le domaine social.

A family business
It all began in 1953 in our grandparents Maria and Franz Schumacher's garage in Raeren, Belgium, right on the German border near Aachen. After the war, our grandfather wanted to build a new life for himself. He decided to make mustard, as mustard production was uncomplicated, inexpensive and didn't require a lot of space. The mustard business went well and, over time, the company, called "Gloria" and then "Filou", expanded, with the garage and small annex being joined by two further extensions. At some point, our grandparents began to produce other products, notably mayonnaise and ready-made meals. But then our grandfather Franz fell ill. Our aunt, one of our mother Elvira's sisters, took over the business for a while. But it was clear that she didn't want to run it forever. Eventually, our mother Elvira and our father Philippe decided to take over the business.
In 1983, our parents took over the company in its entirety. In the meantime, ready-made meals, produced in large quantities at our Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge, had become a great success on the market. For almost four years, our parents produced for just one major customer. At some point, other products were added: vinaigrettes, spreads and sauces. The business continued to grow. Soon, four children were born. The more we grew up, the more we helped our parents in the business, until three of us gradually joined the company.
Today, we, Rachel, Raphaël and Laurent, are a team of three at the head of the family business. In 2010, we began manufacturing certified organic products for various customers, mainly spreads.
As the 3rd generation, we've made it our mission to make our family business, with experience now spanning almost 70 years, more sustainable. We have built our business strategy on a model of sustainability. This idea is reflected in several areas:
ecological, economic and social.

A family business
It all began in 1953 in our grandparents Maria and Franz Schumacher's garage in Raeren, Belgium, right on the German border near Aachen. After the war, our grandfather wanted to build a new life for himself. He decided to make mustard, as mustard production was uncomplicated, inexpensive and didn't require a lot of space. The mustard business went well and, over time, the company, called "Gloria" and then "Filou", expanded, with the garage and small annex being joined by two further extensions. At some point, our grandparents began to produce other products, notably mayonnaise and ready-made meals. But then our grandfather Franz fell ill. Our aunt, one of our mother Elvira's sisters, took over the business for a while. But it was clear that she didn't want to run it forever. Eventually, our mother Elvira and our father Philippe decided to take over the business.
In 1983, our parents took over the company in its entirety. In the meantime, ready-made meals, produced in large quantities at our Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge, had become a great success on the market. For almost four years, our parents produced for just one major customer. At some point, other products were added: vinaigrettes, spreads and sauces. The business continued to grow. Soon, four children were born. The more we grew up, the more we helped our parents in the business, until three of us gradually joined the company.
Today, we, Rachel, Raphaël and Laurent, are a team of three at the head of the family business. In 2010, we began manufacturing certified organic products for various customers, mainly spreads.
As the 3rd generation, we've made it our mission to make our family business, with experience now spanning almost 70 years, more sustainable. We have built our business strategy on a model of sustainability. This idea is reflected in several areas:
ecological, economic and social.